Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

Money Attraction Bootcamp

Ready to learn how wealth is created, and how money really works?


Money Attraction Bootcamp

Money affects virtually every aspect of our life, yet it’s one of the most intimidating and confusing topics there is.
Money can change lives, and it can destroy relationships.
It can solve problems, or it can create them.
Money is one of the most central themes in every person’s life, yet it’s what most people never understand or master.
Our education system fails to teach even the most basic understanding of money, while our financial system preys on this lack of knowledge. This is not by accident, and to the extent you fail to understand how the system really works, you’ll always be at a disadvantage in creating and protecting your wealth.
SimpleWealth has a simple mission — to inspire and empower individuals to achieve financial mastery for themselves, their family, and their community.
SimpleWealth provides practical education for those seeking to increase their financial intelligence, learn how money and investing works, and follow a proven system to bring them the confidence and freedom that come with wealth.

What If Money Were No Longer A Limitation In Your Life?

With this exclusive and simple system, finally you CAN discover the success principles, beliefs, personal behaviors and thinking that allow the wealthy few to attract money and create massive results both financially and personally in record time. And once you have the system, all you have to do is follow the steps to attract money, wealth and prosperity into your life!

I've Got Some Bad News For You...

Believe it or not, you are "hard-wired" to fail with money.

That's right. By default, human beings are NOT given the right mindset or tools to be successful with money. The way we naturally think and feel actually works against us when it comes to being successful with money.

The reason that most people are not successful when it comes to money is because they have the wrong mindset and psychology to begin with! Then, on top of that, most of us never get any kind of "real" education about what money is or how it works.

Think about it – how much “money training” did you get when you were in school?

Likely none .. so how can you expect to be successful with money when you've been taught the wrong things, and never learned the truth about it?

This lack of money knowledge also explains the high failure rates of businesses – if you don't know how to create value and attract money, your business has no chance of success.

Mastering the language and understanding of money is very important, because it's truly the measure of whether you are creating value for others.

Speaker :

Greg has a unique skill set that not only allows him to be a successful full-time investor, but he also has the ability to teach others how to create wealth for themselves. He truly “walks the talk”, as he teaches principles and strategies that he personally has used to create a significant investment portfolio and net worth.
As the Founder of SimpleWealth, Greg brings almost 20 years successful entrepreneurial experience, in a number of industries ranging from telecommunications, information technology, event marketing, education and broadcasting.
Throughout his business career, Greg has founded, built and sold more than a dozen companies and received number of citations and awards for his entrepreneurial spirit and success, including Young Entrepreneur of the Year in Canada in 2000. In addition, he has been featured in several media including Inc. Magazine and the National Post (Canada’s National Newspaper).
As an award winning investor, speaker, trainer and author, Greg Habstritt has taught thousands of investors the fundamentals of investing psychology and wealth creation. Specifically, Greg provides insight into what truly creates financial success, and had a keen understanding of the keys to mastering money and financial intelligence.
One of Greg's central messages is that the financial industry is not your friend, and that if you're not educated on how to understand money and investing, you'll be taken advantage of by the financial marketing machine. To this end, Greg provides a range of programs and opportunities to increase your financial fluency, and your skill set to create, grow, manage and protect your wealth.
As the founder and President of the Real Equity Group of Companies (a private investment firm he founded in 2001), Greg oversees the ownership and management of a private real estate portfolio, comprised of both residential and commercial assets.
Greg is the visionary behind Real Equity, and serves as President and Chief Executive Officer. He is heavily involved in property acquisition, negotiations, financing, risk management and value amplification strategies for the group’s diverse portfolio of properties. He leverages his extensive experience in the investment world to bring real-life insight and solutions to his educational programs and training systems.

Complete package 7 DVD plus 1 Workbook in CD.

Normal Price $1,499

Early Birdy Price  $799

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Jim Rohn 2004 Weekend Leadership Event

  Jim Rohn 2004 Weekend Leadership Event

Get ready to experience the final Jim Rohn Weekend Event ever recorded. And what a recording it is! Three full days of the timeless wisdom of Jim Rohn and a host of top personal achievement experts, including Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy, Chris Widener and Charlie "Tremendous" Jones.

Here's what's featured on each day:

Day One:Jim Rohn - Success Equations and Personal Development
Denis Waitley - Leadership in Action - How to Outthink, Outperform, Outserve and Outlast the Competition
VIP Lunch (Platinums) - Q and A with Jim Rohn and Denis Waitley
Jim Rohn - Communication and The Art of Persuasion
Special Teenager Session - The Winning Generation: Why Now is the Best Time in History To Be a Teenager in This or Any Country, hosted by Denis Waitley, Jim Rohn and Chris Widener

Day Two:VIP Breakfast – Vic Johnson shares on "No Dream Too Big" including Lessons learned from John Goddard, the "real-life Indiana Jones".
(TC, Donna and Chris): TC Cummings - Overcoming Self-Imposed Limitations, Donna Krech - The Victory Principle and Chris Widener - Winning With Influence
Brian Tracy - Getting Rich Your Way: Learn How Millions of Americans Go From Rags to Riches in One Generation, Starting with Nothing
VIP Lunch (Platinums) - Q and A with Jim Rohn and Brian Tracy
Jim Rohn - Goals Workshop, Designing the Next Ten Years
Jim Rohn - Financial Independence
Jim Rohn - Leadership, Touching Others Lives

Day Three:Bonus Day - Open to All Attendees
Robert Helms - Real Equity
Jerry Clark - Magic of Colors, Gain Instant Rapport with Those You Meet and Get New Skills that Will Help You Effectively Lead Thousands
Charlie “Tremendous” Jones - Life is Tremendous!
Speakers Roundtable – Q & A featuring Jim Rohn, Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones, Donna Krech, Jerry Clark and Vic Johnson - Plus Audience Participation 

Terdiri dari 12 DVD yang digarap secara profesional sehingga anda bisa mempelajari apa yang diajarkan dengan lebih rilex dan mendapatkan kesuksesan sesuai dengan yang apa anda inginkan. Harga Normal produk super special ini adalah $1,199 dan bisa anda dapatkan hanya dengan harga Rp. 1000.000 atau kurang dari 10% dari harga aslinya.


Khusus bagi anda yang ingin mendapatkan paket ini dengan harga khusus bisa mendapatkannya dengan harga khusus hanya dalam 7 hari kedepan setelahnya harga akan naik kembali ke harga awal.

Dapatkan harga diskon 50% dan anda hanya perlu membayar Rp. 500.000 bila memesannya sekarang juga.



Seminar Claim Your Power 2 menghadirkan 2 tokoh legendaris dan pembicara kesuksesan yang sudah tidak asing lagi bari kita yaitu Jim Rohn dan Bob proctor.

Berikut sales letter lengkapnya :

You can discover how easy it is to claim your personal power and create new beliefs that change your focus to rapidly designing a life of abundance.
If one area of your financial, emotional or physical life is out of balance, it spills over and creates chaos in the others.
Now, you can magnetically attract a life of luxury almost overnight, living in a lifestyle you could only imagine before-while achieving success after success exactly the way you want it, as predictable as the high tide-and effortlessly break through the beliefs that stand in your way!
People came from the four corners of the earth to experience the Claim Your Power Now Weekend. To say it was a powerful weekend would be a gross understatement. It was more than powerful-it was the most magical, mind-bending, life-changing, paradigm-shifting event ever held.

You Can Discover the Same Secrets of Creating Your Own Power That Thousands of Others Have
Are you ready to feel FREEDOM in your life?

Would you like to RECONNECT in your relationships?

Now, in the comfort of your home and automobile, you can experience an exciting breakthrough just like the live audience where this life-altering material was recorded.
Picture your breakthrough. Just close your eyes for a moment and feel the intense vibration of the focused beam of transformation bathing you in the power that’s yours to claim.
Can you imagine how great that feels?
Make no mistake about it. The world-class staff of experts at this event was committed to leading people to rapid personal breakthroughs. And it happened right before their eyes on three magical days.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve read every self improvement book available at the bookstore, or bought every CD program that comes down the pike, Claim Your Power Now will help you crash through every barrier you think is in your path!

You can make more progress than you ever imagined. It doesn’t matter what career or business you choose to pursue. It doesn’t matter if you’ve lost your friends or you can’t figure out why you have no energy. Claiming your power will show you how to overcome every self-limiting belief you have about yourself. You are more successful than you think!

Check out the faculty of world-class trainers who make this an experience of guaranteed transformation:
Jim Rohn – World-renowned success expert, business philosopher and one of the most influential thinkers of our time. Jim has authored more than 17 books, audio and video programs. He has been described as everything from a master motivator, to a modern-day Will Rogers, to a legend.

Bob Proctor – Bob has focused his life around helping others lead lives of prosperity, rewarding relationships and spiritual awareness. Mentored by the legendary Earl Nightengale, his rags to riches story will inspire you and create unstoppable momentum that propels you to your own quantum leap.

Vic Johnson – Internet infopreneur, author, motivational speaker and founder of a host of personal development websites, Vic has provided strategic consulting and planning to governors, members of Congress, Fortune 500 companies and nonprofit organizations.
Michael Angier – Founder of the personal development portal and author of the 101 Best Ways series.
Bob Burg – Best-selling author of Endless Referrals and Winning without Intimidation, he is also a popular corporate trainer.
John Dilemme – From stutterer to millionaire mentor, John delivers a powerful message to help you “find your why and fly.”
Rene Godefroy – Unable to speak English, Rene arrived in America with just five dollars. His story of triumph will touch your heart.
Christopher Guerriero – The fitness and nutrition guru to top models and celebrities will teach you how to maximize your personal energy.
Dr. Philip Humbert – This former pastor, accountant and clinical psychologist is now a distinguished author, popular coach and Internet entrepreneur.
Jeff Keller – He’s sold more than 150,000 books and taught thousands around the world, as he will teach you, that “Attitude IS Everything!”
Lisa Jimenez – The best-selling author of Conquer Fear! will help you claim all your power over fear and all the limiting factors in your life.
Carl Logrecco – A personal and business coach and strategist with more than 13,000 clients who call him “The Professional Butt Kicker.”
Ron White – Let the USA Memory Champion teach you how to build relationships and improve your sales and performance with an enhanced memory.
Chris Widener – Leading authority on the power of influence and host of Made for Success on the TSTN Network.
Eric Taylor (emcee) – The 2003 National Body for Life Champion is also a Champion emcee and is your guide for an awesome experience.

In Only 14 Hours, You’ll Have All These Tools
- The millionaire mindset of wealthy people and how to adopt it, so you stop struggling and magically attract opportunities most people miss
- The key to eliminating the self-sabotaging behavior that brings your best efforts to a screeching halt and stunts your personal growth
- How your words program you for success or mediocrity. Your self-talk can rapidly rocket you to success when you learn these simple step-by-step principals
- Four Keys to making Goals work to influence your heart, your mind and create unstoppable progress
- How to identify and accelerate on a path toward making YOUR financial visions a reality as fast as humanly possible
- The secret to developing unstoppable persistence. No, you don’t need to be in sales to harness the power if determination
- The root cause and solution to nearly every financial problem. It’s not what you think it is and you’ll be shocked by it’s simplicity
- How to turn a lack mentality to an abundance attitude that will instantly reveal numerous income generating opportunities available that are right under your nose
- Developing masters level skills of Extraordinary Leadership so people will walk over hot coals to follow your vision
- The secret to discovering your passion and unleashing your potential into a tidal wave of focused action
- How to Create and Leverage the power of “massive momentum” so health, wealth and satisfaction are yours at last
- How to determine what you really want, and how to motivate yourself to get started, keep going, and – most importantly – finish what you start, so you actually get unrelenting focus that creates stunning change
- 7 secrets to good health, weight loss and fitness that you’ll never find in a diet or exercise program
- How to create multiple streams of passive income so money can be made 24/7� in your sleep, at play or on vacation!
- A little known technique to re-wire your brain and turn any adversity into tangible benefits that keep you on top of the mental game
- The simple 5 minute process to discover the real causes of procrastination and stop it cold in it’s tracks
- How to use the most powerful six-word “secret” in the world to totally transform your life, regardless of where you’re at today
- The friction-free way to maintain laser focus on any goal so you stay on target effortlessly
- Three simple, easy-to-adopt habits that you can use to radically alter your results and literally clone success
- 3 super-hot motivational tactics that work on yourself, your family and your business associates
- Six keys to creating influential relationships that quickly and dramatically give you breathtaking and immediate results
- Why it’s imperative to start building wealth before you focus on debt and saving. This tactic is worth the entire investment. 97% of the population has this completely wrong. Get it right and leverage takes on a whole new meaning

Terdiri dari 9 DVD dengan harga jual normal $999 dan bisa anda dapatkan dengan harga Rp.1000.000,-


Khusus bagi anda yang ingin mendapatkan paket ini dengan harga khusus bisa mendapatkannya dengan harga khusus hanya dalam 7 hari kedepan setelahnya harga akan naik kembali ke harga awal.

Dapatkan harga diskon 50% dan anda hanya perlu membayar Rp. 500.000 bila memesannya sekarang juga.