Jumat, 15 April 2011

Jay Abraham's Business Brain Trust

Business Brain Trust

Speaker : Jay Abraham, Seth Godin, Stephen R Covey, Chet Holmes, Fran Tarkenton, Larry Genkin, Michael Levin, Scott DeGarmo, Rieva Lesonsky, Steve Dworman, Andy Miller, Donald Moine, Mark Victor Hansen, Mark Victor Hansen, Marshall Thurber, Robert Chesney, Stephen Pierce, Spike Humer, Joel Robert, Brian Kurtz

Total :  25 DVD

Normal Price $2,495

Here is what you get:

When you listed the nine ways business owners get stuck today – I related to ALL nine, because:
- My business or product/service IS losing out to competitors.
- I/we can’t seem to get above a certain, frustrating level of sales and disappointing profit levels.
- Our sales DON’T come automatically, regularly or consistently.
- I/we DON’T operate strategically or proactively.
- Our/my costs and expenses ARE eating me alive.
- I keep doing more and more, but it’s working less and less.
- My business (or sales positioning in my market) and product/service HAVE become a commodity.
- My/our marketing IS mediocre…sometimes even outright ineffective AND I don’t have a clue about what to do differently.
- I’m doing almost everything myself. No leverage.
- I’m working hard for my business or career. It’s NOT working hard for me!
But I want to dramatically change all that — and start doing it right without cost — in the next 45 days.
“I’m expecting to see — and hear — more specific breakthrough ideas and how-to-do-it’s, why-to-do-it’s, when-to-do-it’s and where-to-do-it Expert Advice and Guidance — than I’ve ever received before, anywhere else.
You promised me that nothing on this Business BrainTrust collection is going to be theoretical, either, Jay. So, I’m expecting highly specific, “rock-solid,” impressively-detailed ideas, strategies, guidance, advice and instruction on every DVD I watch
Because, Jay, without more clearly explained instruction, I can’t turn your experts’ brilliant ideas into bottom-line-bursting, increased results.

I’m expecting every hour I invest in each session of your BrainTrust experience to produce the “result-certain,” pay-off you’re promising me, Jay!

If all four days of your (one-of-a-kind) “Think Tank For Growth-Minded Entrepreneurs and Sales Professionals” does deliver the idea “explosion” of breakthrough thinking and action you’ve promised – I’ll keep the double set and apply everything I learn to my business situation, right away! Doing so should multiply my income dramatically, this year alone!”
Who Is At Jay Abraham’s Brain Trust Seminar?
Borrowing from his email of the 6th March Jay is still working to finalise some world famous guests but the speakers confirmed are:

1. Seth Godin – author of “Permission Marketing”, “Small is the New Big” and “Meatball Sundae.”
2. Stephen M.R. Covey – author of “Leading at the Speed of Trust.”
3. Chet Holmes – author of “The Ultimate Sales Machine,” who’ll be introducing a sneak preview, look at his newest, not-yet-published book.
4. Fran Tarkenton – NFL Hall of Fame athlete, entrepreneur extraordinaire.
5. Larry Genkin – the publisher of “Blogger and Podcaster Magazine.”
6. Michael Levin – one of the non-fiction world’s top ghostwriters.
7. Scott DeGarmo – for nearly 16 years, the Publisher AND Editor-in-Chief of “Success Magazine.”
8. Rieva Lesonsky – for over 10 years, the Editor- in-Chief of “Entrepreneur Magazine.”
9. Steve Dworman – nationally famed infomercial producer with four successful infomercials on the air right now.
10. Andy Miller – probably the most effective expert on “consultative selling” out there.
11. Donald Moine – one of the only people in the nation with a PhD in sales scripting. He’s been chief advisor to over 80% of the top infomercial companies, 60% of the top financial planners, and 75% of the top seminar companies.
12. Mark Victor Hansen – in addition to being the co-author of the monstrously successful “Chicken Soup for the Soul” book series, Mark teaches people how to create their own books and turn them into best sellers. He also teaches MEGA Marketing and Vast Possibility Thinking (VPT).
13. Marshall Thurber – the only man in the world who can claim the distinction of being the top protege of both W. Edwards Deming (father of optimization) and Buckminster Fuller (father of innovative non-linear thinking).
14. Robert Chesney – video and digital marketing expert/advisor to over 1,000 of the nation’s top speakers, authors and consultants.
15. Stephen Pierce – Arguably, THE finest online marketing mind…and Possibility Expert you’ll ever meet. He talks a mile a minute, but every word is worth pouncing on — using and doing now!
16. Depending on their schedule, a group of the actual stars of “The Secret” will do a call-in panel discussion with me posing tough entrepreneurial questions.
17. Spike Humer – probably the finest business performance enhancement specialist I’ve ever met and an utter master at finding the underperforming leveraging spots that is keeping your business from soaring. He’s also our top consultant…and our master trainer on strategic alliances, host eneficiary and endorsement deals.
18. Joel Robert – A dear friend and one of the worlds leading experts at getting the press to love interviewing you and publishing lavish articles on you, your product or service.
19. Brian Kurtz – Another great friend. He was named Direct Marketing Man of the Year in 2007 and is the Head of the fastest growing publishing giant of its kind – The Boardroom. He’s probably the finest multi-discipline expert on copy writing, direct mail, email marketing, infomercial marketing and continuity marketing. This man rocks!
20. Of course, Jay Abraham – doing all new stuff! Jay says he will be doing two separate sessions – ONE on his newest book, called “The Sticking Point” – (what keeps most business owners from making and sustaining the success and prosperity they deserve). His SECOND SESSION will be focused on his latest breakthrough he just co-created with Rich Schefren, called the Maven Marketing Makeover.

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